Anping Zhang

I am a 3rd year PhD student at Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Yang Li. Currently I am a visting scholar in the Human Mobility & Network Science Lab at UCB, hosted by Prof. Marta C. Gonzalez.

I received my B.Sc degree with honour from Imperial College London, and M.Sc. degree with distinction from University College London.

My research interests are graph learning, data mining and topological data analysis.

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Curriculum Vitae

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  • 2023-12: One paper on topological data analysis got accepted by AAAI 2024.
  • 2023-07: We are hosting a Volunteer Behavior Prediction Data Challenge at IEEE MLSP 2023. See the Challenge Website for details!
  • 2022-03: Our paper “Optimising Self-organized Volunteer Behaviors during COVID-19 Pandemic” is now open access on the Nature website. Check out the project website for the code and interactive demo.
  • Publications [ Full List ]

    (*Equal Contribution)

    dise Learning Persistent Community Structures in Dynamic Networks via Topological Data Analysis
    Dexu Kong, Anping Zhang, Yang Li
    The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024.
    [Paper] [Code] [Arxiv]

    We proposed a novel deep graph clustering framework with temporal consistency regularization on inter-community structures, inspired by the concept of minimal network topological changes within short intervals.

    dise Volunteer Retention and Future Collaboration Prediction in Volunteer Crowdsourcing Platforms
    Shutong Chen*, Anping Zhang*, Qiqi Chen*, Yang Li
    2023 IEEE 33rd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 2023.
    [Paper] [Challenge Website]

    The paper reports a data challenge that aims to develop models predicting volunteer retention and future collaborations using a dataset from a mobile crowdsourcing platform in Shenzhen, China, with the participation and performance of several teams evaluated through Kaggle.

    dise Optimising self-organised volunteer efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
    Anping Zhang*, Ke Zhang*, Wanda Li, Yue Wang, Yang Li, Lin Zhang
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2022.
    [Paper] [Project Page] [Tsinghua News (in Chinese)] [Tsinghua SIGS News]

    A quantitive study on how volunteers collaborate to achieve rapid mobilisation during the COVID-19 outbreak, using the concept of self-organisation. It proposes a data-driven framework to investigate when and how self-organisation emerged during the pandemic response and how it relates to effectiveness of volunteer organisations in general.

    Selected Honors and Awards

  • Best Poster Award in International Workshop on Learning and Information Theory 2023 (WOLIT'23), 2023.
  • Best Report & Distinguished Paper Award in the 706th Doctoral Forum of Tsinghua University, 2023.
  • The Second Prize Scholarship of SIGS, Tsinghua University, 2022.
  • Shortlisted for the academic representative of the year at University College London, 2020.
  • Bronze Certificate in the 46th International Chemistry Olympiad UK Round One, 2014.
  • Gold Certificate in UK Senior Mathematical Challenge 2013 with full mark 125/125 on the paper, 2013.
  • Gold Prize in The 28th China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest, 2013.
  • Teaching Experiences

  • 2023 Fall: Teaching Assistant - The Strategic Value of Innovation Technology with Prof. Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Tsinghua University.
  • 2023 Summer: Teaching Assistant - Deep Learning Summer Camp with Prof. Xiao-Ping Zhang , Prof. Wenbo Ding, and Prof. Yansong Tang, X-institute.
  • 2021 & 2022 Fall: Teaching Assistant - Writing Scientific Papers & Making Presentations in English with Prof. Faisal Nadeem Khan, Tsinghua University.
  • Services

  • 2022-9: Class and Student Representative at SIGS, Tsinghua University.
  • 2021-7: Executive committee member of TBSI Workshop on Learning Theory (TBSI-WOLT'21).
  • 2019-9: Academic Representative at University College London.

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